
My very own encyclopedia.

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This page is my version of Wikipedia which only contains pages I like and containing information from me and other stuff I might find useful somehow. The idea is that Wikipedia is not anymore a reliable source of information, but a glorified storage of links as the information is censored or heavily biased despite their position on "unbiased information".

Just take a look at the first lines about BitChute and you can see that the main objective in the page is to make BitChute look as bad as possible [//], that's even though the article is locked; why can't they correct that? Simply because they want BitChute to look the worst possible, it's not their objective or the objective of their collaborators to give actual information and to be unbiased, but to shape what readers think about the ones included in the articles.

Of course my intention is not to fully replace Wikipedia, even if doing so should be relatively easy (all the information stored there is only 20gb), I wouldn't use Neocities for my "site" (blog) if I wasn't poor. What I want to make of this is to store pages I find interesting or helpful and to store my own links to use as some sort of bookmarking for things like projects' official websites and such.

If you want any page or information included or changed, you can contact and ask me for that.

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