
September 15, 2024

Make your own encyclopedia, just for fun.

As you may have noticed, I recently made the part of my website called "Milkpedia" in which I post some 'informative' articles about whatever thing I want or whatever people ask me to do. Something you can notice with making those things is that there are some information you often want to include in stuff like that but isn't fitted for pages like that; not that I really care, any information that is related to the content of the page should be included because anything is useful, be it empirical information or soyentific information about determined matter.

Unrelated to the said above, I'd like to make a proposition to those who have their personal websites or even these Neocities "websites", it being to make your own encyclopedia, be it for specific or general information. Why that proposition? You may have noticed that recently there's been a 'boom' of these "decentralized services", though it has always existed, only now you've been seeing them being constantly referred as such; I propose that everyone make their own encyclopedias as a way of 'decentralization', in an oldschool way.

Having your own area to share that information, be it in colloquial way or not, is very important for spreading knowledge that might otherwise be lost or extremely hidden, it's a way to contribute to not having one website that stores all the data and, in fact, is extremely ideologically biased and actually evil just as Wikipedia is. Even if you disagree with me in many topics, as long as you value freedom and have a brain, you're able to see why those groups that seek to turn humans into weak miserable bug-eating creatures is inherently wrong.

Of couse, we're not gonna change anything and humanity will decay because of satanic pedophiles whose only purpose is to bring suffering to those they see as "below them", but we can at least try and avoid making them happy by simply living our own Internet seeded by freedom, liberty and libertarians and "conservative commies" somehow getting along for once because they both hate Jeff Bezos.

At this point I don't even know what I'm saying, and I better stop so I don't start to, unintentionally, fedposting. But what I can say is that: make your own encyclopedia, hate big tech, hate the government and, also, if you have any information, links, pages, files related to anything that could be added to an encyclopedia page let me know through my eletronic mail and then I'll add them to the pages in Milkpedia, be it as part of the text, links or even redirect to your encyclopedia page. Bye!